Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This life

I think the stress is finally starting to lift. I didn't get fired from work, and the girl who is also and asst is really knowledgable. Though her outlandish, outspoken ways make me hate her sometimes. Of course the big boss loves her, sigh such is life. She is very demanding on a show off most of the time. I am sur eyou have the seen the type, the kind that have more experience in a particular area then you. They know this and use it to rub it in your face and every turn, even if it's to help you out. I know a slave girl like this. She is really good at being "friendly" and because of this (until recently) pulled the wool over many mens eyes around here. Everyone would see the "friendly" side, but than around me she would say snide comments. Things like "Across you haven't met me because I haven't introduced myself" and than walk away. It makes me want to slap their head off their face. Anyway that's her in a nutshell. Thinking the world owes her some shit, and doesn't ask anyone for any permission to do anything. Let alone any expenses accured for a event. Me, on the other hand, (maybe because of my nature) doesn't think it is right to make the decision for a male vp on how much alcohol he should serve or what kind of food he should eat at his own party. Especially since I have never done an event for him before. So my thinking is ask lots of questions the first event, that way next time you can have full knowledge of what will make him most happy. She on the other hand picks what she prefers, or has had at previous events and tells the big man (the man who took my head off) shove it ....or I don't give a crude what he thinks he wants..."I will train him". You have no idea how bad this gets under my skin....alll you slaves will understand (but everyone else may not have the clear picture). Anyway enough about her..

So I am still at work, and hopefully I will get my boss rolling on making me perm soon. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

As for my birthday it went pretty well. I saw two movies that were kinda tasteless. I guess I had high expectations, but such is life. I saw United 93 and Divinci Code. Not my ideas of good movies.....

I did end up cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, and some of the bedroom. Though it looks like I never touched it again. Bitty is doing wonderful with her new home daycare and the meds are really helping (other than a tummy ache) she goes down to two meds on Monday. I can't wait!!!!!

Master is feeling tremendously better and I am feeling sickly. BUt all in all things are looking up. OH btw, I did have my mammo....the tech (who isn't suppose to tell me anything) told me that she saw nothing. She said she had to tell because she felt like (with all my problems and the stress in my face) that I had to know. I am so greatful she took that risk with her career for me. Thank you so much tech lady!!!!

I played kickball, in Master's place, on Sunday with our church. That was great fun, though it was hot. I think the choir team won, but I was to hot and Bitty was to cranky to stay and find out.

On the way upside, one of the bloggers I absolutely adore is moving here. I was just remarking to her, or someone that I wished she was closer. Than out of the blue I read that she is moving close to me within driving distance or maybe closer....

I can't wait to put my arms around a real girl...someone I can grow and learn from. I slave girl who has kids!!!!!! YEAH!!!

Lots of loves



Blogger ~art said...

Sounds like you are doing good Hana.You really like being a slave girl? honestly? I'm not knocking your lifestyle as I have no comprehension of what it's like I'm simply asking what it is you like so much about it. Try googling your boss and the company and you can probably learn a lot about them to help you impress him if you wish. peace~art

5:48 AM  
Blogger floweringhana said...


Honestly yes I love being a slave girl. There are days I want to yell and scream, and tell him to f*it somewhere else. But than there are those moments when I am laying curled at his feet or in his arms, and he is carressing me...and I know I am owned. It is hard to explain if you have never lived it. I also know my Master would release me and still love me if I ever so chose such a path. Afterall, I was the one who started us on this journey.

It is so safe, fulfilling, rewarding, and freedom such freedom. I don't have to worry about what others think of the way I look, what I say, or how I act. I feel like I can tell him anything and he will understand, listen intently, and help solve whatever it is. I know what you are thinking, any man could do that. That may be true, but not in the way a Master shares a bond with his slave or vica versa. It is such a huge exchanbe of love, emotion, passion, strength, affection, and respect that it can be overwhelming at times.

It is still hard for me to explain...I hope I am doing it justice.


7:37 AM  
Blogger ~art said...

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1:08 PM  
Blogger ~art said...

I can't say I fully understand but what really matters is that you seem genuinly happy and that is all that counts in the end. peace~art

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hugs* :-D are too cute :)

I am so glad you got good news on your mammo...I know how scary that can be. I had a scare myself lil over 3 years ago...not fun. *kisses*

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just a curtousy posting to let you know you have been linked on the blog at the address below under the catagory "Lifestyle Blogs". Nothing is required on your behalf, but if you are not already doing so a link back is always appriciated.


8:56 AM  

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