Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Questions 12-15


I just have one word for you "BITCH". Ok now that it is said let me answer your evil questions:

what is the one thing you want right this moment more than anything else?

The first thing that comes to my head is being into the house, I really hate moving and would love to be there. The other thing is knowing my job is not going anywhere. For I really need the job, and I won't find out if I am perm until Oct. Keep your fingers crossed

who inspires you most and how?

Inspiring hmmm...that is a really tough one, manly because I don't really follow anyone's set life or look at anyone in envy. Everyone tends to ask me "how to" so I have never really looked at the reverse. But if I had to choose someone it would be this lady that runs our Sunday school class. We will call her Italy or "I" for short to not reveal her to the world. She has four boys, the last one was unplanned, and she is deep in faith. Even though she has had a admin walk out on her in the midst of her staying home for the summer, financial hardships, having to pull her older boys out of private school, and endless burdens of committing to different things. But everytime I talk to her she "has it together", though she swears to me that just isn't so. I am inspired because she is so deep in faith, such a good mother (knows when to spank and when to just listen), and a excellent wife. I, on the other hand, fall short in my bible time, have a stressful fit when my two year old screams at the top of her lungs, and tell Master to just "fucking get your shoes off the couch I just fucking scrubbed clean"...LOL

who are your crushes... people you would do something down and dirty with in a heartbeat if you could?

Ok, I am going to be honest. Though I could just not tell you. *Grumbles and whines* There is a guy in our group of men..well two...but this one particular I have "lusted" after so heavily since first we met. He knows I like him, and so taunts me relentlessly whenever we are around each other. When we do play he gives "some" but denies me other pleasures and it drives me insane. For example, last party I was laying in his lap with my head drapped againist his belly and chest. He leaned down and within inches of my lips breathed on me..HE FUCKIN BREATHED...it drove me nuts. Then he just sat back up. Or he will slide his hand across my tummy, act like he is going for my puss, and then turn down my inner thigh instead or stop touching completely.

The other one I like there, he is a excellent flogger and totally no play. I want it, he knows it, and gives me as much as he can without fucking me. It is great! Intense, and delicious. Though he is D/s, so when we play I have to remember that he is asking "x,y,z...or how I am or what I want" beecause he doesnt know me and he is SSC and all that comes with that.

There was a girl I use to have a crush on but she betrayed me..so she's out. There is also I girl I play with regularly, but I am not "physically" attracted to. A is very dominant/sweet personality. She says things to you matter of factly, and though that is great for play, and she is a GOOD player, it is not so great for friendships. I get more deeply involved with Dom women who I am deeply connected to as friends.

There is one other person who I have such a deep crush on, even before her picture, but I would never admit it UNTIL NOW. (Thank you again Annissa), I am not going to reveal her name, I think from my reaction, she knows who she is. So I will leave it at...but her I could sit between her legs for hours. Her I could fall forand never get up...her is what I have always wanted in another girl for Master. Unfortuantely, or fortuantely, she's taken. So we will just have to see how it all plays out in the end. And YOU ALL will just have to read about it some other time.

what is your favorite bad for you food?

Since I have such a high metabolism I really don't have a "bad" food. But since Master has been sick, I have been trying to eat more healthy. Since I am allergice to milk, and most everything has milk in it...I am constantly eating bad foods. I would have to choose my homemade choclate pudding pie. It is oreo cookie crust, with two layers of pudding, and oreo cookies crushed inbetween the layers, and cool whip on top.

That's all for now....



Blogger Master Michael - lucy & melody said...

Dear Hana,

i first would like to say that i SO enjoy your blog. We are the same age and it is nice to read another young submissive sharing in some of the same experiences.

Now i thought i would help you reach 100 questions....
1) What has been your biggest reality check in life?
2) What is your sensitive area on your body?
3) Favorite childhood memory?
4) worst habit?

i can't wait to read your answers.

Much love,
slave lucy

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you call me a bitch?????

ooooooo I am gonna have to ask your Master if I can get one good lick in for that one ;)

Lovely answers...thank you *so* much for being brave and honest and answering them for me *kisses*

7:11 PM  
Blogger floweringhana said...


thank you for asking such hard questions, and I enjoy reading your blog...


Yep yep I did...and go ahead and ask...one is never bad...LOL..sadist you...Loves and have fun shopping.

6:53 AM  

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