Wednesday, September 13, 2006


What exactly is normal? And what do you do when you aren't that anymore. Master tells me last night that he can't have "normal" sex with me anymore cause I don't get off. I told him he should stop upping the anty if he wanted me to get off with "normal" sex. He just laughed and had me give him a blowjob. But it made me think...

AM I that demanding in bed? Do I really have to have some huge scene to enjoy it? I just never really thought about it. We do these huge scenes, it takes me a week to heal, and than we have another. I normally don't have inbetweens. He wants inbetweens. So how to do I enjoy something that is just "normal"? I don't know how to go backwards....

Anyway just some thoughts..



Blogger ~art said...

I don't know how you can go backwards, maybe slow down a little perhaps but backwards? peace~art

8:52 AM  
Blogger Master Michael - lucy & melody said...

i wouldn't call it a step is just something your Master desires. i know there are times when i do things for Master that i am not totally excited about BUT i do them becasue that is my serve Masters desires. Maybe just look at it as something to please Him...the more you do it the more likely you are to enjoy it:)

i hope your move went well and you aren't to stressed. i know how moving can be and probably more stressful with a wee one, but take things one task at a time and it all gets done.

Take care,
slave lucy

7:04 AM  
Blogger floweringhana said...

The moving truck doesn't come til next saturday. we are moving the clothes over today and tommorrow. I can't believe it's been almost two months...So excited

11:45 AM  

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