Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The start of VBS

ok so I lied, I do find time to post anyways. LOL VBS was a chaos zone last night. Though Master and I got three girls and two boys to guide around the water park. They are all going into 4th grade, I think that makes them about 9 or 10. We had two girls that were friends, they so reminded me of what the "cool, pretty girls" were probably like at that age before they were the "cool, pretty girls". Very sweet girls, and talked a lot. But they listened well. The compliants with the event scheduling was so beyond what I thought it would be. First off they had over 400 extra kids sign up yesterday as walk-ins last minute. That means we got over 40 kids we weren't expecting in third grade. Some grades got as large as 120. They set you up to do 15 min rotations through the story/activity and then down the slides. All this in 15 min. I knew it was going to be bad when we got stuck in the grass (IN TEXAS MIND YOU) and the story ran over 15 mins. I mean hello can you say 80 people (with adults) whining and talking about chickers and ants doesn't really get the story of God across to the kids. I told Master that they should have the story in the cabana, and than sent the kids on their way through rotations of slides. But that is not how it went, we did the story first in the grass. Than over to our first slide, which went half way ok. All our kids got down first, because I am pushy Bitch and made sure my kids the rafts they needed. Than we moved to the cabana, were they where suppose to provide snacks. It ended up being animal crackers (for third graders) and no water?! What the heck? I mean really it's Texas in mid summer, even at night it's 85 degrees. So, I ran our kids up to the water fountain and let them drink. Then we raced to the next slide, where again we did a activity that took 10 mins atleast. Have you ever tried to get 80 ppl down four slides saftely in 5 min? It just doesn't happen. Some of the glides didn't even let their kids ride because we were switching places before they got the chance. I let mine ride though, cause again I am a pushy Bitch. My kids are going to get the fun they came to get. Than we went to a small area that has watering mushrooms an leap pads. No sooner did we get there and into a line for the leap pads. When were told to get out and go to where we began at. They hurried through a wrap-up, and then raced us to the sidewalk. Where "runners", teenagers were suppose to get cards from the lines were the parents were at the gate. Then these "runners" were suppose to run down to the grade and yell out the kids names. UMMM...that so didn't happen. It was total and complete chaos. Have of our thrid was on one and half on the other. People were talking so loud even when you screamed a child's name they couldn't hear you sometimes. The "runners" have the time spoke in low tones that sounded like mice. Sometimes the parents would get so fustrated they would come down and snag their kids. My two little girls were last, and they thought they were going to be left their all night. Poor babies! I tried to reassure them that their ride would pick them up. Eventually, we got a runner who came for them. I was so worried they were going to cry first. I hope tonight goes better. Keep your fingers crossed.



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