Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A real day

Well I remember now what I hated about pregnancy. It isn't the back pain, or feet swelling. It's the damn yeast infections. I think my pussy puts out a sign upon entrance of a baby into the womb. It clearly reads "Infections welcome" cause this sucks. Master is in a bitch of a mood, he didn't want to get out of bad and than whined and grumbled all morning before finally sitting on the floor in exhaustion when bitty threw a fit about zipping up her jacket. I said "Just leave it, if she is going to throw that big of fit forget it. It's not worth it" and he said "yes ma'am" and slammed down the hall turned lights off. I was in such a mood I just grabbed the girls and got in the car.

Bitty whined and screamed the whole way, V turned up her headphones so loud I could hear each word of the song over the scream. I had such a headache and Master practically ran from the car.

So that was my morning...how was yours?

~Robert's little flower~


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