Saturday, August 06, 2005

A night

Well today was an adventure as always. The baby is so nosey she has to be out and about when everyone else. She is just getting to big, and tonight Master closed the door on her to try to keep her in her room. That just openned a flood gate of emotions. Memories started flashing of my childhood, and about 2 hours later I was devastated when the last straw hit. S was very short tempered with me, and really hurt my feelings. Maybe I am just to sensitive. I understand that he is very passionate about his pcs and how much gets accomplished in a evening. BUT he also has to understand that this is not something I am all that interested in. I did it in the beginning to be able to see my husband. But every weekend I end up crying and I just can't take it anymore. SO I told Bobby I was done. It was just to much. So I guess I want see him two saturdays a month..SIGH. Oh well the price of a gaming wife.

I just don't want to be crying all the time, and have to "block" my child in a bedroom. Especially when she is at that point in her development of seperation. I don't want her to think that we are pushing her off. That should never happen.

So I made the decision. I hope it is the right one.




Blogger floweringhana said...

Thank you Meika for you sweet, kind words. I am going to look at kinky professionals and see if I can match a psychologist with our insurance. That way I can talk about all my issue not just my past ones. Hmmm...well it will have to wait. Cause we have lots of bills to catch up on now that I have a job.

Love your thoughts sweets


1:12 PM  

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