Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Weird Observation

So I ride the bus to and from work everyday. Most of the time I sleep on it, because I have a lonnnnnnnnngg ride. But this morning I was to entranced with this lady next to me. I mean she is always weird, but today was a big weird. She was wearing this hot pink tank top, with a bright red bra (that I could see the straps) and this yellowy green skirt with flowers. But this is not what made this unusual, I am looking at her trying to figure what is so OFF about this women. My eyes trail down her nexck, as her hair is up today, and I notice a tattoo. I tilt my head a bit, looking at it and blinking. I am tried, so I am not sure I am seeing clearly. After it doesn't change I realize she has tattoo'd numbers in the back of her neck. Like barcode numbers....oooo33453256000...I was so lost. WTF? why would anyone do that? Than I thought maybe she was "tagged" or "branded" as such. I look at this lady, I mean really look, she is a good looking girl (other than her weird clothes) and about my age. I just stare the whole way, almost afraid to move....but also to shaken to ask if she is a slave or what...So I get off still looking at her..and here I am wishing I asked.

Weird but true



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could have just asked her what the numbers meant. :) Or mentioned to her that it was unusual looking and then waited to see what she said. If she wanted to share, she would have. I have a barcode number, He wants to have it imprinted on me some day when I am less of a wuss.


11:35 AM  
Blogger floweringhana said...

I am a total wuss, I could never ask a total stranger something like that...

12:05 PM  
Blogger watcher said...

sure ya can... i totally am into watching people, like you didn't know, right?... but i just say whatever to them, fuck 'em, what are they gonna do... nothing worse than anything that's already come before. i'd ask. there is a story there and you already know it has got to be a good one. ask her... or send me the bus number and i'll ask her next

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet she had her slave #s barcode tattooed onto her.

6:26 AM  

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