Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day Weekend

So here is our weekend. Friday was spent mainly grocery shopping for TheBee and me home with the girls. I got them off to bed at a decent time and all seemed well. TheBee and I download this game called Last Chaos. It's similar to WOW but free and I thought it would give us something to do jointly instead of him just playing his gaming stuff by himself and me having to stare at the tv. Needless to say it didn't work out that way. It's a WONDERFUL game, a bit hard to figure the ins and outs but I don't play and I hate reading instructions so it took Master getting on and leveling up before me to tell me what I was suppose to do and stuff. So if you love that kinda of stuff sign up here:

So Saturday morning was spent with a struggling baby all over us while we tried to play until I got so frustrated I just gave up trying to do anything but get ready. We went to finish the grocery shopping, which wasn't much but the little one is so hard to take anywhere. She wants in and out of the cart. Than she wants to sit on my lap while I drive the electric wheel chair. Than she has to put the stuff in the cart like big sis. IT's on and on. She got a yogurt at the store and before you know it had it all over her hands, legs, clothes, seat, and just everywhere. It was crazy. So we went home. Let Bitty nap and all that stuff and listen to her cough a bit because her congestion is getting to her. We woke her up right before we had to jet off again to a swim party with are ABF from church. It was raining but I packed the suits just in case. As I know the kids very well. We get there, and of course into the cold water they have to be. So, after about 2 hours of freezing and swimming Bitty had to potty. That was the signal to get out of dodge and we got. I had lots of cute time with one of the ladies little boy. As I didnt swim with my whale size body. The baby is about 6 mon, but he so small and cute. He is the youngest of 4 and the only boy. Poor soul. I held him so mom could swim with the next up little girl. We got home and I realized I left my purse out the house. Several phone calls later I got someone to bring it to church on Sunday. We ate hamburgers and hotdogs there so no need for dinner. We let the girls run around like demons and than got them ready for bed. Bitty doesn't want to do bath's anymore I am not sure why. She is in the way independent stage. "NO I do it" is about all I hear. She is every increasingly testing my buttons. We get the girls down finally about 10pm, and than we decide to have a little father's day fun of our own. It was going great until Master decided to pull out the lube we got from a friend for my bday. As soon as the plastic was off I knew it would be a big no no, but what can I say. Peppermint is just not a good thing on sensitive bits part. After deciding against it and cleaning him off of that crude I was totally out of the zone. Of course that's the time that he is done and wants to play with me, since we aren't having any pentration. Now he places his hand on my bit parts and goes at it. I feel the burning and am running through my head what it could be. I say "Is that the had you lubed with?" He says "Uhhh yeah." "Ok don't use that hand. He gets distracted again and bam again he uses it. So I just sigh, and he just says "I'll play with the top you do the bottom" Of course I can get myself off. So there I go and off I am. I go take a good hot bath and hope for the best. But to know avail I get an infection. FUCK! Anyway. Church in the morning, and than lunch and back to walmart for a few things. Bitty crying at me and running way to far ahead insues. I leave walmart frustrated and wanting to hid. We get home finally and get her in nap world. My mom calls to wish Master a happy father's day. They talk a bit and I have to call her back to see if she's talked to dad. Come to find out he said he emailed me. so I searched my 5 email accts to finally find his. I email him back letting him no basically it's ok to talk as long as you stop being an ass. So he calls. We talk a bit, he's uncomfortable and doesn't sound good. Wanted to know if we would take in his cat. We probably will. Than he talks to the girls and TheBee and we say our good byes. All in all it went ok.

So that's our Father's day here

How was yours?
